In Loving Memory Of Jimbo

jimbo_adoption_dayWe were saddened to recently get the news that Jimbo passed away. We remember Jimbo well at the rescue. He was chill, he was affectionate, and he was a little bit of a funny guy, too. He got along with all of the other dogs and just seemed like a perfect adult GSP.

We were very happy to introduce him to Tony in April of last year, as Tony was looking for his first dog. He had grown up with dogs, but Jimbo was to be the first dog that was all his. Sadly, only a little more than a year later, Jimbo was found to have multiple cancerous growths in his liver and kidneys. Jimbo's family made sure he had as much fun as possible in his last months,  took care of him, and made him comfortable. Tony wrote us to say, "This was very difficult for me, as he was the first dog I personally took care of. He definitely found a special place in my heart, and it was hard to see him come and go in such a short time.  Luckily, in that time me and my girlfriend got to spend a lot of time with him, and take him on outings, hikes, and the beach. He is and will be surely missed."

We are humbled that Tony thanked US for bringing Jimbo into their home as it is we who are grateful for them, adopting this wonderful adult GSP, and giving him such a great home. Jimbo had the exercise, training, a little bit of spoiling, and the love he needed to thrive.

While everyone grieves for a lost dog in their own way, Tony is committed to rescue and will be applying for a new friend and family member. While he won't replace Jimbo, he will be special - and probably sometimes challenging - in his own way.  He will also be a lucky dog; first to have been picked up by California GSP Rescue, and second to have such a great forever family to call his own.


David and Goliath Are Safe!


Three Generations of GSP Adopters