David and Goliath Are Safe!

David Goliath Lisa Safe GSP California Pet PetsDavid and Goliath are Safe! The California GSP Rescue was notified about a male GSP that had been turned into one of the local Southern California shelters. As is always the case, the Rescue monitors these relinquished dogs carefully. The shelters are not required to hold a surrendered dog and they may be euthanized at any time to make room at the shelter. This makes communication and quick action on the Rescue's part crucial.After several days, it was apparent he was not going to be adopted, so volunteer Greg contacted volunteer Lisa to see if she could pick him up. Understanding time might be up for this boy, she readily agreed and called the shelter to let them know she would be there shortly. The shelter then told her of his 'brother', saying that they were a bonded pair and should be going together; apparently, somebody had turned in the pair of dogs, saying they had been together. She drove up to meet meet David and Goliath.
David is a liver and roan, sweet boy, full of spunk and vigor. His "brother", Goliath was a black and white GSP, also sweet but not so much spunk as someone had let him get quite overweight. An overweight GSP is not a common sight and we imagine someone must have over-fed him and not exercised much, if any, with him.He will now certainly receive the proper amounts of food and plenty of walks to help him regain a healthier weight here at the Rescue.Unfortunately, it was quite a long drive this Friday evening, leaving the shelter on the Southern California freeways, and David let Lisa know he didn't like being cooped up in the car for that long. Goliath, on the other hand, was quite a dream - especially when he found his way to the front seat to sit by Lisa!The volunteers at the Rescue are getting to know both boys and will be making them available for adoption very soon!

[donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor David and Goliath!" description="David and Goliath are two of the most recent arrivals to California GSP Rescue. You can help by making a small donation. " style="wdf-fresh"]


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In Loving Memory Of Jimbo