In Loving Memory Of Remy

Remy was surrendered with his brother, Beau when their owners lost their home. We weren't quite sure if Remy was English Pointer, but in getting to know him, we suspected he was a Pointer/GSP cross. One thing we knew for sure is that he was a pretty cool dude with a great personality. Very laid back, and would constantly check back with his people and come over for pets.Remy was adopted a couple of years ago, and we recently received the sad news from his family that he has passed away.Rick and Marilyn were kind enough to share with us some wonderful memories and the love they shared with Remy."We adopted Remy in November 2016. He was our second GSP from the rescue. We had made several trips to the kennel looking for the right dog for us. We wanted a senior that matched our activity level. Remy had been surrendered by his owner along with Beau at the age of 8 shortly before our search. We were unable to adopt both dogs so when the decision was made to separate the dogs we adopted Remy. We spent about 10 minutes with him at the kennel and knew right away that he was the one. I think Remy knew it too. He jumped into our car with a big goofy smile on his face.We also called Remy the perfect dog. Happy from day one. Smile on his face, tail wagging, and an extra pep in his step. He was not always sure where those long legs would take him. He was a little clumsy and I will admit he kept us admused at his expense. His movements reminded me of a deer. It was more a prance than a walk.Remy was also the perfect gentlemen. He would wait patiently while I had my morning coffee, only 1 cup allowed, then the talking would begin. Time for my walk. Non negotiable. On our walks people would stop us to ask "where did you get that beautiful dog?" After our walk in the hills he would settle in for the day.He loved to chase the rabbits, birds, and anything that moved in the yard. He found his way to the wrong end of a skunk a few times. And then it was nap time. Throw a blanket over him and he was happy.We didn't get the chance to take Remy on very many trips. On the 5 hour drive to Mammoth he slept most of the time. At the restaurants he would lay under the table with his long legs sticking out. He was a wonderful traveling companion.We have so many wonderful memories we have captured in photographs. Watching the birds at Mono Lake, in the woods at Mammoth, dirty face after a good dig, under the pepper tree, and my favorite, at the GSP Rescue fundraiser with Lisa. Remy loved that day. Being able to run around with his pack. I felt like I was in the middle of a "Where's Waldo" puzzle. I had to look at his collar to be sure I had the right dog.Remy was our 8th dog but the only one that I felt could actually understand everything I said to him. He was the perfect dog for us.Recently, we had noticed that Remy was losing a lot of weight and found out it was caused by kidney failure. Treatment options were only short term so we had to say our goodbyes to our sweet boy.Thank you for helping us find this very special dog. We miss Remy sooo much! He was sweet and happy to the end. I feel that he knew this was coming and put up a good front for us.Our thanks for the GSP rescue for all of the effort and dedication it takes to save these beautiful and sweet dogs. Our time with Remy was too short. Every day we had with Remy was a gift".Marilyn and Rick 


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