In Loving Memory Of Kodi

Remembering Kodi...Four years ago, Alicia and Todd adopted a young male GSP Mix, Kai from us. Shortly after his adoption, it was discovered that Kai had some severe separation anxiety. Alicia and Todd had no other dogs in the home, and Kai was alone when they went to work.We had a foster family willing to work with Kai to see if his separation anxiety could be remedied in their home with their pack, and it worked. After a month, Kai was doing great when left at home with other dogs to keep him company. The only catch was to see if Alicia and Todd were willing to adopt another dog. They didn't want to give up on Kai, so they decided that they would open their home and their hearts for two dogs. We had an older dog, Kodi, we thought would be a great fit for them, with still enough energy to keep Kai entertained, but to also keep a calm balance in the home. We invited them out to meet Kodi, everything went well, and they adopted Kodi too! We recently received the sad news that Kodi passed away. Our hearts are heavy, but we are also so grateful for the wonderful life he was given with a loving family."Kodi Levi Renfro may have only been with us for 4 years, but we know he was always meant to find us. When we were looking for a companion for Kai, an 8 year old was not what we had in mind; but he ended up being the perfect addition to our family. He was so young at heart; active, playful, a tennis ball addict and so so brave and tough. He comforted his younger, but about 30 lbs. bigger, fur brother with severe anxiety like a true doggy saint. When we first got him, he could run circles around his brother, encouraging him to run and play and fetch with their new family. He loved being outside!! He lived for his walks and runs around the neighborhood, and when we were home he would explore his yard like he was hunting treasure. He could stay out there all day basking in the sun, chasing birds and squirrels and sniffing ever bush for the 1,000th time. Oh, and his cuddles. When he cuddled, his small little head fit right in the crease of your neck. Kodi's favorite "spot" was his neck. Almost every dog we've ever met before him loved their bum or behind their ears scratched... not Kodi. If you rubbed is neck he would stretch his head way way back, with his nose high in the air like a seal, and he'd be in heaven!!!He's been sick on and off for awhile now, and on July 14th, at 12 and a half years old, he went to doggy heaven. It's been so hard to adjust to life without him. Hard when you swear you just heard him bark at his nemesis squirrel in the back yard. Hard when you accidentally still call for him at treat time. Really hard to explain to our two year old toddler where her doggy is when she asks. And hardest to see his younger fur brother adjust to life without his brave older brother. We will all miss you sweet boy, thank you for your unconditional love.Thanks for all your love and support. Kodi was so very special to us".


Peanut and Schubert Are Safe!


Meet Storm!