In Loving Memory Of Jenny


“In 2011, my GSP, Forrest and I had just lost our GSP “Baby Girl” to cancer. As I was living alone and worked full-time, I wanted to find a companion for Forrest.

I had done some volunteer work for the California GSP Rescue, so I reached out to Greg and Jan to see if they had any young females that were available for adoption. They invited Forrest and I to the rescue that Saturday to meet 3 GSP’s that they thought would be a good fit with Forrest.

Greg picked up one of the girls on his way home so that he could bring her straight to the rescue the next morning. Rescue volunteer Teri was visiting Greg when he brought home a wild and crazy 2-year-old GSP “Puppy” called “Miss Charlie”. Teri was used to being around senior GSP’s and she was reminded of what a young GSP was like. Neither Teri nor Miss Charlie could have imagined that their lives would be joined in the not-too-distant future.

When Forrest and I arrived at the rescue we entered the play area and Forrest ran off to play with the other dogs. While Forrest was making two and four legged friends, I met the three girls who were available for adoption. I have no memory of two of them, but I was immediately smitten with Miss Charlie. She had so much life in her eyes, and she was full of joy and mischief. Forrest ran up to check on me and he met Miss Charlie. I truly believe it was love at first sight for Forrest and I have a photo to prove it. Forrest and Miss Charlie played together while I told Greg that Forrest and I would like to adopt Miss Charlie. I also told him that we would be naming her “Jenny” so that Forrest and Jenny would be together, just like peas and carrots.

Greg told me that Miss Charlie, now Jenny, was surrendered to the rescue as her previous owners didn’t like the way she chased butterflies in their back yard. Their ridiculous reason for giving up on her was a wonderful gift to me.

Jenny made herself at home right away. When my sons came to visit, they would shoot baskets in the back yard where Jenny would steal the ball from them while they were dribbling. Jenny was playful and affectionate with everyone she met. Everybody loved her and she loved them right back. She loved to lie on her back on the couch to get belly rubs. One of my friends said that Jenny was soft like a bunny, and she was!

One friend that Jenny especially loved was Teri from the rescue. Within a year, Teri was officially Jenny’s Mom. Our pack doubled in size as Teri brought Kelsey and Hope with her. Jenny was the youngest of the pack, but she was respectful of the other dogs, and we made a wonderful family together.

Hope treated Jenny like her puppy and the two became inseparable. They would run side by side through the waves on the beach and race each-other to retrieve a thrown ball. Seeing them together was simply a joy to behold.

The next 10 years were spent playing on the beach and in the back yard. Jenny never seemed to grow out of her puppyhood. She was always full of energy, but always loving and affectionate as well. The pack changed over the years, but Jenny was always there. She became the queen of the pack, and we were only too glad to serve as her royal attendants.

When Jenny was 11, an inoperable adrenal tumor was found. Her vets thought that she had six months left before it would take her from us, but thanks to Teri’s incredible efforts to care for her and Jenny’s indomitable spirit, she was with us for another 2-1/2 years.

I like to think that Jenny and Hope are again running side by side through the waves near the Rainbow Bridge. They deserve to spend the rest of eternity together. Rest peacefully Jenny girl. We will cherish your memory forever and we will never stop missing your adorable shark-dog overbite.

I will always be grateful to Jan and Greg and everyone at California GSP rescue for bringing both Jenny and Teri into my life.


'“How do I begin to put into words how to live without this beautiful, crazy, bossy little GSP who lit up our lives for 11 years. It’s impossible to describe the heartache and emptiness we feel here at home.

Jenny was the boss, with the senior status who was respected and loved by the rest of the pack. She may have been almost 14, but she never grew up.

2 1/2 years ago she was diagnosed with a mass on her adrenals. Surgery was out of the question as it was too risky. The vets gave her maybe six months. I worked closely with her holistic vet and did my own research and followed a regimen of a combination of herbs, a CBD oil blend, and traditional medicine. She beat the odds by two years, and lived a normal life, which we are truly grateful for that time, but it is never enough time.

Jenny girl, you taught me about patience, endurance, exuberance, and how to have fun at any age. Your strength was immeasurable, your spirit infectious, and your ability to make us laugh and fall in love with you more each day made you who you were. That adorable overbite, fur as soft as velvet, and turning over every chance you got to receive those chest rubs and always snuggling in for more. Sitting at the open front screen door, enjoying the breeze and watching the world go by. Looking for lizards, bringing me your trophy birds you captured during your hunts in the backyard. Swimming and waiting for Enzo to steal the toy and running back to get more.

I am not sure why, but you never swam with Hope, but took up swimming after she left us. I can picture you both swimming together now.

Not a minute goes by that I don’t think of you both. I am so thankful for all of the memories at the beach, in the pool, our walks, road trips, our camping trips, standing on the corner of Winslow Arizona to name a few. Even though you hated having your picture taken, I am so grateful I am a crazy photo nut because I have all of those moments captured that I can look at whenever I need to relive those days, and take myself back there in my memories of you. All of it I will cherish and hold close to my heart forever.

Jenny left us on the morning of September 30th peacefully in our arms at the edge of what we lovingly call “Hope’s Pool”. We filled the pool with floating flowers, offered her goodbye chocolate kisses, and she took one last lap before reuniting with her best friend Hope.

I love you Jenny with all of my heart and soul, and I miss you more every day. You were such a bright light in our home and our hearts. The pain I feel when I wake up and don’t see you sitting in your favorite spot. It’s the pain you feel because you love someone so much when they are out of your sight, and no longer part of your daily routine, the void is tremendous. Until we meet again my Jenny girl, Please send me signs. I will see you in my dreams…

Your Momma Teri xo”



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