In Loving Memory Of Ellie

Ellie Girl

Our Ellie girl passed after having been with us a little over 10 months, she lost her battle with cancer. On the 23rd of September Jan and I picked up Ellie (known as Della) and she joined our family. We were fortunate enough to meet Della at one of the CA GSP’s Walk a Dog Days. We were immediately smitten and went home and submitted our adoption application. We decided to shorten her name from Della to Ellie. Thanks to Greg and Teri, we were filled with joy on her ride “home”. Ever since we picked her up, Ellie was the most amazing dog ever with the sweetest disposition and affection

She was a wonderful addition to our family and settled right in and our “house” became a home again. She fit in our lives like a “hand in a glove” as if she had always been with us. Ellie loved her walks with Jan each day, running in the back yard, playing with her dog toys, and having morning coffee with me (or maybe that's the dog treats I give her). She especially loved hunting lizards in the backyard, this was one of her passions. Her presence was a blessing every day. When we had guests, Ellie was amazing; and she became a favorite of 2 of our granddaughters. They would always want to see Ellie and what she was doing when they Facetimed.

At Christmas time my daughter brought her GSP, Charlie, who was 3 at the time and she and Ellie became best friends playing in the yard, sharing toys (Charlie left her Pink Dragon because Ellie liked it so much), resting on the couch and going on walks together.

At the first of July, we noticed a bump under Ellie’s right front shoulder and immediately took her to our Vet, the initial prognosis was it could be a skin disease or cancer. Our vet began testing for cancer, which it turned out to be. It was a very aggressive form and was spreading fast, we reached out to Greg at CA GSP, and he recommended a second opinion with Dr. Kang (who has performed miraculous treatments for a number of the Rescue’s dogs). We met with Dr. Kang, and he confirmed the diagnosis, and informed us our vet had done all the things he would have done. His counsel and guidance were of enormous help for what we would face and that we would not have a great deal of time left with our Ellie girl.

We made the best of the next 4 weeks trying to make the most out of every moment we were afforded with Ellie. Sadly, on the 10 of August, we knew it was time and we made our final trip together. Jan and I held our Ellie girl until she crossed the “Rainbow Bridge”. I have never met a kinder more loving dog than our Ellie girl.

Our lives were truly blessed and enriched by Ellie’s presence. Jan and I both miss our sweet baby and all the little things she did each day that brought smiles to our faces and love in our hearts.

While Jan and I are heartbroken due to Ellie’s passing, we are grateful to have her come into our lives and all that we shared together.

We can’t thank Greg and Teri enough for this most precious gift. She was truly special!

Jim and Jan, Our hearts are heavy, but also grateful for the abundance of love and care you gave Ellie. While your time was far too short with Ellie, much shorter than anyone expected, we greatly appreciate the happiness you gave every day to Ellie. Thank you for opening up your hearts and home once again to a senior dog. Please hold the memories you made close to your heart, and know the joy you brought in the little time she was with you, made a huge difference for her. 


Goose's Escape: A GSP's Journey to Rescue


A Diamond in the Rough: Mookie's Second Chance