Hunter Thomas is adopted!

We at California GSP Rescue couldn't wait to share the good news about Hunter Thomas. While the 12 Dogs of Christmas post for Hunter Thomas had been prepared several days ago, the following post was started a short time later. Please read, enjoy and share with us the magic of this holiday season.Volunteering for a dog rescue can sometimes make you a little cynical about the human race; like when a dog as wonderful as Hunter Thomas gets relinquished to the shelter for being "too old".Thank goodness for our adopters and supporters who help restore our faith!  One such family came to us to adopt senior Hunter Thomas.Many thanks to Louie, Toby the dog, Jaya, Samantha, and Heidi for giving Hunter Thomas a place to belong for all the rest of his Christmases. 


Basil is adopted!


12 Dogs of Christmas ~ Hunter Thomas