Hopefully Yours, Tobi

Tobi-DSCF2188a-1024x (2)Tobi is a remarkable girl who is still waiting for her forever home, so we wanted to tell you a little more about Tobi, and what we have learned from her Foster Mom."She's not a wild and crazy gal. She's great on leash, pulls hardly at all. She can get pretty frisky around other frisky dogs though. We ran into another high-energy GSP regular at the Island and his owner this morning, and Tobi definitely got jazzed up, wanted to play, jump, spin about. Same thing yesterday at the waterline, other dogs playing ball in the water she wanted to play with. I've been taking her out 2-3 times a day on long walks, on trails, long walks in the neighborhood. I also give her some time off leash at the fenced-in dog park, but I don't care for the other aggressive dogs there so we don't stay too long. When we get back to the house, she's super relaxed. Naps most of the time, follows me around if I get up, but while I'm working, she's mellow as can be.I tend to think that, given her freedom to run, she'll be an active hunter but not a bolter. She seems to want to stick by me but is still learning her limits so that I usually have to tug her rope a bit to get her to come. I'd say she's about halfway there to being a great off-leash companion. I was told by someone who's trained his two GSP's for hunting, said that Tobi looked like she may have been a field trial dog. Tobi is a great little gal. My guests all comment on how sweet she is".Here are more things we have learned about Tobi...Very gentle. Very quiet.She hasn't chewed one thing since she's been here.She doesn't fetch. Totally uninterested in balls. Ditto chew toys and dental chew treats.Does not like cooked broccoli. Totally digs cottage cheese.Great in the car.Has become 100x better at not jumping up on people. (We've been working on this.)Not so birdy but really really wanted to get those squirrels in the park.No cats.No crates.Likes the water at the beach but didn't seem too certain what it was at first, kept trying to step on top of it. At first was skittered by small waves. Can't say if she knows how to swim or not.Has this really cute habit of offering you her paw...while she's standing up.Loves to give little kisses."As you can see, I am a pretty great dog! Now that you have learned a little more about me, perhaps I may be a good fit for your family! You can learn more about me and my journey to rescue here. If you are interested in meeting me, please apply here!"Hopefully yours, TobiBe sure to check out our Facebook Page throughout today for more photos of Tobi! 


Argo is Adopted!


Bob is Safe!