Honey is Adopted!

honey adoption gspHoney is a honey of a dog - sorry, we couldn't resist - because it is true!! We were impressed at the rescue with Honey from the beginning. She was so attentive to the volunteers, came when you called her, and it was a joy to see her hunt the field. We were very glad when her owner, who had originally tried to re-home her on Craigs List, was receptive to letting the rescue find a perfect home for this great GSP.Erika and Ralph had applied many months prior and were looking for the perfect dog for their pack. They knew Shorthairs, and had hunted with them, participated in hunt trials,  and had them as pets for over 20 years. Although they were hoping for a hunter and a pet, they weren't necessarily looking for a young and crazy GSP. Ralph and Erika knew an older GSP could be more calm and settled in the house and still be a wonderful companion in the field. When Honey came to us, we knew we had a good fit for them. They traveled many hours to meet her, and she impressed them as much as she had us!Since taking her home, they have sent us a couple of updates - two of which began, "What a great dog!!! "  As a volunteer for a dog rescue, you can't get much better payment than that! They've let us know that she is getting plenty of exercise and, "She sleeps pretty good and is eating good. The pack is jelling together.  She has learned to lick plates clean (pre wash cycle before the dishwasher), figured out that when running shoes come out that some action is going to happen.  Bad habit, loves to counter surf.  Lost a plate and bowl.  And we really have to watch her when the gates and doors are open.  She has bolted a couple of times.  We have changed habits with that."Thanks so much to Ralph and Erika for working with Honey and welcoming her into their home! 


Meet Gunner!


Meet Cyprus!