Hattie learns to live with a cat

Hattie_cat_IMG_0178w64Like most German Shorthaired Pointers, Hattie wasn't fond of cats. Her previous owner had even stated that "she is not good with cats and small furry animals".Her most recent foster family has a very dog friendly cat and, initially, Hattie was very interested in the cat. Measures were taken so that Hattie and the cat didn't meet unsupervised, and when they did meet, Hattie's attention was redirected. Fortunately, Hattie is responsive when corrected and is learning the cat is off limits.Caution is still being taken so that the cat doesn't run in front of Hattie, but it's only a matter of time before Hattie and the cat are friends.To learn more about Hattie click here. 


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