Gretel is Adopted!

gretel_adoptionGretel is a typically-active young German Shorthaired Pointer. She was picked up as a stray and taken to a shelter. When we became aware that Gretel was on stray hold, Teri, one of our volunteers, monitored and visited her throughout the week to see if her owner would claim her, but that never happened. Just as soon as Gretel became available, our volunteer went to the shelter to pull her, should she not get adopted, but in fact she did.  Our volunteer introduced herself to the new adopters, and gave them her card and let them know that if they needed our help, to reach out to us.  A little over a week later, our volunteer received a call from Gretel's adopters letting her know that they needed to turn her in to us, as they were not prepared for the intense energy of this very active young GSP.  We are very grateful to them when realizing that Gretel was more than they could manage, contacted our volunteer, rather than returning her to the shelter.Normally this happens when someone buys a "super-cute" GSP puppy, with no comprehension of the type of exercise and training this intense hunting dog needs! In Gretel's case, although they probably did have trouble keeping up with her, as she also had mange. While mange in a young dog is not uncommon, it does take consistency and commitment to make the symptoms go away. Obviously, Gretel's original owners didn't have that commitment and decided to throw away their "problem", and she wound up at the shelter. Well, Gretel was no "problem" to California GSP Rescue! Our volunteer Teri and her husband John, opened up their home to Gretel until an adopter that could continue her treatments and medicated baths could be found. Luckily for Teri and her senior GSP's (who were not impressed with Gretel's youthful enthusiasm!), we found a great home for Gretel within days of her being turned over to us!Now, normally, we notify you of a dog being "safe" when we pull them from a shelter. Next, we evaluate the dog and take some glamour shots, and the dog will go on our website as adoptable. Then, we look through our current - and approved - applications for the best match for that dog. However, in Gretel's case, we already had a group of applicants waiting for a young German Shorthair. We felt Bobby and Heather and their children would be a great match for Gretel and they agreed to continue caring for the mange. They had recently lost their senior GSP, and were quite excited to have a GSP back in their lives again!Although the treatment for the mange is slow, they continue to work on it and seemed quite thrilled with their new addition, writing to tell us, "Gretel is wonderful! We are so in love with her. We are so grateful to have her. She fits in perfectly with our family. We went camping over the weekend and she did great. She loves running all around the yard and playing with the kids. We are trying to teach her how to fetch the ball. Right now she runs after it but leaves it.  Potty training is almost there.....She is just the sweetest dog. We have been brainstorming names but I think Gretel has stuck."Looks like Gretel is no "problem" for this family, and we couldn't be happier! 


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