Fozzy is Adopted!

Fozzy_Geoff_Ingrid_DSC_0116w64Every so often a dog comes along full of surprises and teaches you far more than you could have imagined.  Fozzy was very difficult when he first came into rescue.  He did well with other dogs but had issues with people.  Greg, a long time volunteer, worked with him regularly for a few months getting to know him and helping him overcome that behavior with people while we looked for a foster home for him.  A foster became available that continued his training and gave him the exercise and attention he needed.  They began his rehabilitation that will continue with a wonderful loving couple named Ingrid and Geoff.Ingrid and Geoff jointly share a passion for a rehabilitating a dog.  They previously had worked with a GSP they had named Jane Doe.  It took years to help her overcome her separation anxieties but they saw the direct result of the work they put into her over time.  When they applied it was shortly after Jane had passed, and the thought of bringing a new dog into their home was exciting but they still missed Jane.They discussed Fozzy's issues with one of the volunteers and came out to meet him with no commitment to adopt.  However, they fell in love with all of his quirky silliness.  They then took Fozzy home with a commitment to rehabilitate him, and that is what they are working on daily and weekly.  He is very different than their Jane Doe was, so they are working on new methods to work with Fozzy.They appreciate the affectionate and loving side of Fozzy and the companionship he provides. They crack up with his antics and he has won over a new part of their heart without ever replacing their Jane Doe.  He is in the best possible home of all.  Ingrid and Geoff have come out to volunteer, bringing Fozzy along for some exercise on a few Saturdays as well.  It is nice for the volunteers to see how well Fozzy is doing in their care and to enjoy the progress he has made in Ingrid and Geoff's care.Thank you Ingrid and Geoff for your dedication to Fozzy and for opening up your hearts to a GSP in need.


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