Elli Mae is Safe!

Elli Mae Safe rescue shelterEvery dog that is rescued has a story, and California GSP Rescue attempts to share these stories with the visitors to the website. Elli Mae's story is significant for one reason, she is the first dog rescued from a shelter in 2015. While she showed up at a local kill shelter as a stray around Christmas, we learned of her after she had been there a few days and someone had already expressed interest in her. We let the shelter know that if the person didn't show and she wasn't claimed, we would could help. Her stray hold passed and the other party was given another day to show up to adopt her but never arrived. We learned that she was still available the second day of the New Year and immediately made plans to have her pulled. It's important to note that she had been held five business days as a stray and another day as available until she was made available to rescue. Once made available to rescue, there is no obligation for the shelter to hold her any longer - she isn't safe from being put to sleep. The decision to euthanize can be made at anytime for any reason, even to make room for incoming dogs.With it being the holiday weekend, many of the volunteers were out of town and unavailable to help transport. Fortunately, with the help of Friends for Pets, another concerned rescue that has assisted us in the past, and Volunteer David, we were able to see she was pulled the same day we were notified the other party hadn't shown up to adopt her making sure she wouldn't spend another night at the shelter and possibly being put to sleep.Elli Mae was incredibly sweet but was suffering from kennel cough when she was picked up. It isn't uncommon for dogs in the shelters to contact kennel cough as they are in a high stress environment, their immunity systems are weakened, and the virus is prevalent at most shelters. Unfortunately, most shelters do not treat the dogs for kennel cough and, in addition, a sick dog is more likely to be put to sleep. Another reason, we didn't want to wait another day to pick her up.Elli Mae, since coming to us, has seen a Vet and has been treated for her kennel cough. We're happy to report that she is doing much better now and is still incredibly sweet! We'll have more information about Elli Mae very soon but want to send out a special thanks to Friends for Pets and Volunteer David for Ellie Mae, the first dog rescued in 2015, get one step closer to her forever home!While Elli Mae has gotten over her kennel cough, California GSP Rescue had to pay the Vet bill. It wasn't as much as some of our recent Vet bills (thank goodness). If you would like to make a small donation to sponsor Elli Mae and help pay her Vet bill, click here.  


Baron and Brook are Safe!


Meet Reggie!