Easy Dogs

Freckles_Spot_Spotty_DSC_0756w64From time to time we take in dogs where everyone agrees, "these are easy dogs!"  These "easy dogs" get along with all other dogs, don't demand much exercise - although they are happy to accompany you on a walk, hike, trip to the beach or trip to the coffee house - and adjust easily to many different situations."Easy Dogs" are the labels we gave Freckles and Spotty the first day we met them. To get to our rescue, they were transported on a plane - and they cuddled up in the back seat, occasionally looking out the window, just like it was a normal day! Then they greeted Volunteer Lisa at the airport like she was their old friend, and hopped in the back of her car. At the rescue, they greeted everyone with wagging tails and kisses and looked excitedly at the other GSPs. For all these things, they will be easy to adopt and easy to bring into a new home.What might not be easy, is keeping them together. If you are considering adopting, bringing both of these two dogs home really would be easy. Even if you only planned on one dog, remember, sometimes life's greatest pleasures are NOT what you planned for!Learn more about this "easy peasy" pair, and if you have room in your home and in your heart to adopt both of these lovely GSP's, please complete an adoption application


All Things are Possible - Rex


Hans is Adopted!