All Things are Possible - Rex

rextired290x290Rex is typical for a GSP his age.  He was loved by his prior family but was destructive, and an overall handful without getting the exercise and attention a young GSP requires.We have fostered Rex for approximately a month now, and have not had a day off from our exercise routine.  He is always ready to go.  He requires approximately 5-7 miles of walking per day, often needing an additional two mile run on a bike.  We often wonder if it is possible to wear him out.Today, we woke up and went for our normal 5 mile morning walk.  We returned home and decided to take take Rex and his foster siblings for a nice eight mile bike ride, stopping at an enclosed park for a little drink and chance to run freely.We thought it impossible, but this proves that he can be worn out.  He has since spent the last few hours resting off his exercise.  We expect that by the evening, he will be ready to play with his foster brother Walter again, but we are very thankful for the few hours of peace while Rex sleeps and refuels his energy.If you are an active person or family, and are ready for an active GSP, please complete an adoption application.  Learn more about Rex here


Bookah is Adopted!


Easy Dogs