Duke (formerly Brownie) has come out of his shell

 Duke (formerly Brownie) was a shy special needs male GSP's that found his forever home earlier this year. Jim, Diane, Joanna, Beth and Molly updated us on Duke's integration into their family.  "We wanted to give you an update on our Duke. He has really come out of his shell and is truly bonding with our family. He's sooooo cute...when he greets us in the morning or when we come home, he runs around the kitchen table with not just his tail wagging but his whole hind quarters wagging like he were doing the hoola hoop:-) He just makes us laugh so much and we adore him.We have been taking turns taking him on long runs. He makes a great running partner. He does still get scared of poles or such things along the side walk so he tends to sprint passed those pretty quick. Jim will take Duke to the dam where there all sorts of great scents to chase. He especially loves chasing the peter cottontail rabbits. He has done a super job being rabbit guard in our back yard and now all the lower halves of my plants are recovering from all the nibbling the bunnies did prior to Duke's arrival:-) He loves sleeping under the couch pillows. Interestingly enough, he hasn't destuffed those...yet...LOL He has managed to chew on several flip-flops and my favorite running shoes...our fault for not putting them away:-) Mollie girl has been very tolerant of Duke's youthful energy and has been instrumental in helping Duke out of his shell. He even gives her kisses which she eventually lets him know that she's had enough:-) He still needs time to be less timid around larger groups of people. He had a bit of a hard time at Thanksgiving, but we are confident that he will grow more secure. We will definitely come by the rescue to pay everyone a visit. Till then..."We are so thankful at this time of year for families such as these that help us rescue this wonderful breed.


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Basil: A dog for all