Basil: A dog for all

We often get adopters that would like to adopt a young GSP for their energy level but have a heart for the older dogs.  Basil bridges the gap.  He is approximately 10 years old and nobody has ever told him his age.  He can outrun the youngest of the dogs at the rescue and is a beautiful  male GSP.  He will keep you motivated to get your walking shoes on and get out the dog belt to burn calories and burn his energy. He should not be in a home with cats as he has a strong prey drive.Volunteer Andrew writes, "He was very interested in exploring his surroundings during the walk around the property, and can definitely be a handful if you're not paying attention. For the beginning of the training, it was clear that he has not had much training or human attention, and it took him a while to figure out the routine. By the end of training though, he seemed to start figuring it out, and responded well to lots of praise and human contact."Pictured is Basil with Volunteer Andrew after Saturday Training.


Duke (formerly Brownie) has come out of his shell


Getting along: Update on Max