Diamond and Gems Are Safe!

In 2022, many dogs have been found as "strays" and taken to the shelter. A few have raised an eyebrow as they were intentional strays. Jett, Ziggy, Zola, & Philly were four "strays" dumped by a breeder when they couldn't sell them. Rylee was found with Magnum and another sibling in a field. Lucy and Desi were tied to a bench at the shelter's front door. Unfortunately, we end the year with one more "stray" story.

Diamond and Gems, her four pups, were picked up as "strays" by an animal shelter: the Gems, Amber, Jasper, Onyx, & Opal, were about 12 weeks old. The likelihood of all five dogs escaping and not being noticed or found is hard to believe, and for some, hard to stomach.

It took only a short time for California GSP Rescue to be notified. Several concerned individuals sent emails and messages to California GSP Rescue when they heard about the dogs picked up as strays. The shelter that had picked up the five dogs was a remote shelter that The Rescue hadn't worked with in several years, and the known contact was no longer there. Fortunately, one concerned individual was able to find a connection.

Deena provided identification numbers and images of Diamond and the pups. She later made phone calls and found the name of someone who could provide needed information before The Rescue could make plans to rescue and transport. Her efforts are greatly appreciated.

The Transfer Team provided the necessary forms to be completed and submitted. Once California GSP Rescue submitted the documents and was approved, plans started to be made for the week before Christmas. A difficult time finding Volunteers that didn't have any plans, but a few offered to help. Volunteer Cindy had a little more flexibility in her schedule to meet.

The following day California GSP rescue sent an email to The Transfer Team at the animal shelter, letting them know when Cindy would arrive at the Animal Shelter to pick up the dogs. However, the Animal Shelter was packed and asked if arrangements could be made to pick up the dogs earlier. Volunteer Cindy made the arrangements to go to the shelter a day earlier. After her holiday party at work, Cindy jumped in her car and headed to get Diamond and her pups. It was a long day but well worth all the effort. Diamond, Amber, Jasper, Onyx, and Opal were safe.

California GSP Rescue is grateful to the Volunteers that donate their time and make everything possible. Like Cindy, many juggle their plans to help save dogs. California GSP Rescue is also grateful to the Rescue Heroes whose monthly contributions help pay for the food and care for the GSP’s while they wait for their forever homes. Their help allows the Volunteers to stay focused on rescuing dogs and finding forever homes. Lastly, California GSP Rescue is exceptionally grateful to Joe and Mary, the Transfer Team at the Animal Shelter, whose prompt replies to emails helped save five German Shorthaired Pointers. Please look for more on Diamond and her pups soon.


Video: Amber, Jasper, Onyx & Opal


Darcy and Billy Bob Are Safe!