Deuce Is Safe!


Deuce is a young male Pointer that was dropped off at a remote animal shelter by someone who found him running loose in a neighborhood. Had Deuce had a collar with an identification tag or a microchip, his finder might have been able to notify the owner, but he had neither and ended up at the shelter. As a stray without a microchip, he would be held for five days for his owner to claim him.

One would think a nice good looking boy like Deuce would only spend one or possibly two nights at the shelter before being claimed by his owner. Hard to believe. He spent all five nights and a few more. No one came to claim him and, after five days, no one was interested in adopting this young, friendly boy.

Fortunately, during this time, California GSP Rescue was notified about Deuce and monitored him to see if he would be claimed or possibly adopted. Deuce caught a big break when Jersey ( was being transported, and the California GSP Rescue volunteer asked Cassie from Hand Me Down Dog Rescue if she might be able to assist with Deuce. Fortunately, Cassie had a trip planned to the shelter to evaluate a different dog and was more than happy to help with Deuce.

Working with distant animal shelters and arranging transports can be a challenge. You cannot commit to taking a dog unless reliable individuals help in the time the shelter is willing to hold a stray. When the animal shelters are full, time is of the essence. Kennels are needed for the strays that come in daily, and it might not be possible for dogs to be held much longer than the five days. With this in mind, plans were made for Cassie to pick up Deuce, and meet a California GSP Rescue volunteer to transport back.

With the change in time, it was dark when Cassie showed up with Deuce at the same meeting spot she had met a volunteer earlier in the month. However, this was the beginning of a holiday weekend and there was more traffic than usual. It was a little colder as the temperature had dropped slightly since the last meeting. However, none of this mattered to Deuce as he was walked around the parking lot sniffing for any uneaten food and a place to pee.

Deuce was secured in the second transport vehicle and the shelter paperwork was given to the transporter. For the first five minutes, Deuce whined wanting to be in the front riding shotgun, but soon quietened and curled up. It would be a few hours to get back to the warm bed waiting for him. Deuce was safe.

Without the help of individuals like Cassie and the Volunteers ( at California GSP Rescue, saving dogs like Deuce in out-of-the-way animal shelters would not be possible. Without the assistance of Donors ( and The Rescue Heroes (, feeding and caring for dogs like Deuce would not be possible. Without Adopters ( and those individuals that see the need for rescue, California GSP Rescue would not exist. We would like to take this moment and thank those individuals that help make a difference. The world is a much better place for dogs like Deuce.


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