Daisy Is Safe!

Daisy safe CAGSPRescue California Shelter Rescue PointerDaisy is Safe! Every year, usually after Memorial Day, it gets a little crazy with dogs needing to be rescued or re-homed. This year, we have been notified, on average, of a dog in need approximately once a day. Some of these are emails from owners who, while getting ready for summer vacation and other plans, decide it's time to re-home their dog. The "family dog" that in all likelihood has  lacked attention for several months if not years. An inconvenience that requires feeding and water. While some individuals contact GSP Rescue directly, others, out of convenience or not knowing about GSP Rescue, take their dogs to the local shelter. Who knows what they are thinking will happen to their dog when most shelters struggle with managing the limited space for strays and other unwanted dogs. Are they aware that there isn't a mandatory holding period for dogs that are relinquished to animal shelters and that the dogs can be put to sleep at anytime?A few weeks ago Daisy was relinquished to a local shelter. Fortunately, California GSP Rescue was notified about her and didn't waste anytime getting her from the shelter. The same morning we were notified, a volunteer made their way to the shelter to make sure Daisy was safe.After getting Daisy from the shelter, for the few weeks we have had her, we're amazed. Who gives up dogs that have so much potential. If the owner had just provided a little exercise and attention, they might not have needed to taken their dog to the shelter. While she does appear to be a little more energetic than some of the other dogs her age, she just requires a little more exercise.Here's how you can help. Everyone reading this post can share it on Facebook or other social media. That's easy and we appreciate you helping get the word out. If you can spare $20, consider sponsoring Daisy. Your donation will help buy food for Daisy and the other dogs. We don't think she'll be with us long as dogs like her are usually adopted rather quickly, but while she is with us, your support is greatly appreciated![donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Daisy" description="Daisy is a young female GSP that was rescued from a local shelter. You can help by making a small donation to sponsor her. " style="wdf-fresh"] 


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