Cosmo Is Adopted!

Yvette and her family have lots of GSP experience and are great with the breed. They have really met each dogs needs where they were. Their previous female GSP “didn’t like them for a year” as they told us in our initial conversation. They won her over eventually and are simply a wonderful GSP family.  Yvette recently updated us on how Cosmo, now renamed Willow is doing since going home with them.  

“Cosmo, renamed Willow due to the grace and elegance in the way she moves, is home! How lucky we feel to have her in our lives; it’s like she has always been here. It has been so fun to see her discover her new world. She has proved to be a smart, fast, and an eager learner!  Her mornings consist of about 30 minutes of pro-laps around the property, followed by 10 minutes of training. Within the first few weeks, she mastered “sit”, “come”, “down”, “wait” and “stay”.  She rides great in the car in her crate and sleeps with our cats in her bed.  She just keeps amazing us with the way she fits right in. 

She is a playful 10-month-old, and while she has a basket of toys, she does try to make everything a toy and requires supervision.  She makes us giggle with her silliness, and fills our hearts with affection.  Her evening zoomie sessions are followed by snuggling by the fire, or sneaking her way onto our laps trying to sell herself as a lap dog. While she is super affectionate with us, she is quite shy still with new people. We bring her everywhere, and slowly we are seeing her become more comfortable with our friends and other family members.  Willow met the beach last week and it was so spectacular to see her learn just what her legs could do!

We appreciate the volunteers with the rescue group so much, and especially Andrea and Greg.  Andrea worked closely with us, identifying dogs that would possibly be a good fit, and Greg took the extra time to put the dogs we were interested in through a “cat test” and shared the videos with us.

Thank you GSP-Rescue for the work you do, and for bringing Willow into our lives!”


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