Coco Is Safe!



Coco's owner relinquished her to a local animal shelter. No reason why, but given her age, GSP owners can make a safe assumption it was probably because the owner didn't have enough time for her. So many dogs are purchased from breeders or adopted from shelters without the owners fully knowing and understanding the breed. They "love" the breed because of the way they look, or maybe they saw a cute video or, even more concerning, the breed has been featured in a movie or television show. Without researching the breed, they are set up for failure. 

Coco sat in the Shelter as did DB (, Zac (, and Trixie ( hoping to be adopted. Amazingly, no one showed interest in adopting Coco, however there were a few concerned individuals that notified California GSP Rescue of Coco shortly after she was surrendered. California GSP Rescue was surprised there hadn't been more interest in anyone wanting to adopt her, and reached out to the Animal Shelter for more information, and to see when she was available. 

The Shelter didn't know of any medical or behavioral issues and stated she was available now. Currently, LA County Shelters require making an appointment to see dogs and cats. The reply said we could come the following morning. With a few last-minute emails, back and forth, California GSP Rescue made an appointment to pick up Coco. 

Like so many recent visits to shelters, the interest in younger dogs is apparent. While waiting, California GSP Rescue Volunteer saw one person claiming their dog and two other young dogs being adopted. One has to ask, does anyone make an appointment to see an adult or older dog?!? If they appear to be purebred, there is a chance, but in the case of Coco, no one showed up when she was first made available. And, while full-grown, she is what we would consider a young dog! 

After a short wait, Coco was brought up from her kennel. She was excited to see her visitor. With the restrictions at the kennel, the dogs no longer had visitors passing by. When the animal control officers brought the dogs to the front, they were happy to see someone wanting to give them attention. Coco was glad to see someone waiting for her. She didn't know it at the time, but Coco was safe!

Check back for more information on Coco soon. If you are interested in adopting and think you might be the perfect home for Coco or another amazing GSP, please submit an application. A special thanks to the Rescue Heroes, whose regular donations make it possible for us to rescue dogs like Coco. Click here to be a Hero! 


Wanda Is Safe


DB Is Safe!