Chelsea ~ In Memoriam

Chelsea Flowers 005Recently, long time supporter and adopter, Carolyn, said goodbye to her GSP, Chelsea, whom she adopted 13 years ago. The love that Carolyn had for Chelsea is shared below."It wasn’t a match made in heaven—not at the moment at Jan’s place when she rocketed straight past me, far more interested in birds than me. She’d had a neglected beginning, and being naturally independent and self-contained, did not immediately see the advantages to a close relationship. She was also bossy, even tyrannical, to her adopted brothers Jasper and, later, Humphrey, and incorrigibly inclined to treat my commands as mere suggestions.But she was also clever, sensitive, and communicative, and I persevered; when she decided to attach herself to me, it was as if my lump of coal had turned into a diamond.Over thirteen years our relationship evolved into something complex but rich, and a source of sustenance and enjoyment to us both: affection and exasperation, trust and independence, exuberance and reflection. We learned to respect each other and tolerate each other’s quirks—my insistence on hugs, her insistence on killing birds and small animals. And when the time came to let her go I realized that I loved her more than I knew.But I think she would look at me out of those serious brown eyes and say “Oh, Mom, but I knew.”


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