Bullet (A4488718) is safe!

The photo that we received of Bullet speaks for itself. There are so many dogs at the shelters in good health needing homes , few visitors, if any, are going to give Bullet a second glance. Bullet was surrendered by his owner who couldn't afford the medical attention Bullet needed. California GSP Rescue has been informed that Bullet is suffering from something other than Deomodectic Mange but what, we do not yet know. However, we'll see that Bullet get the medical attention he needs and ultimately finds his forever home. You can follow Bullet's story right here on our website. A big thanks to LA County Animal Services Employee Patricia for helping provide the information that enabled us to respond quickly and Volunteers John and Connie who were able to arrange Bullet's transport on a moments notice. As an all volunteer non-profit organization, we rely on our volunteers and financial support from our donors to continue rescuing dogs in need and making a difference one dog at a time. A big thanks to John, Connie, Patricia, and all the many others who make it possible!


Cole - A bucket and a ball


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