Brie is Adopted!

brie_adoptionWhen Doug and Crystal were looking for a companion for their family and young dog, Beau, they did a little research and decided a GSP was perfect for their young family. Since they were new to the breed, we asked them to come out for an "educational" visit and meet some GSPs. While visiting, they enjoyed the personalities and exuberance of all the GSPs, but were especially drawn to Brie. When the family who was there for Brie opted for another dog, Doug and Crystal were thrilled, and returned to adopt her.Brie is now Sadie - a name they thought more fitting to go with her new "boyfriend" Beau. Doug reports that, "she sleeps in his bed and takes his toys from him..he doesn't even care..he's in love". Looks like Sadie has found a perfect playmate and a great family!




Bridger - Rest in Peace