Bridger - Rest in Peace

Bridger_P7040059w64Keith and Sara have been long-time supporters of California GSP Rescue. Many adopters would recognize Keith as he is a regular volunteer on Saturdays at the Rescue helping exercise and train any dog that he is handed without complaint. Sara has helped contribute to many of the fundraisers as well as sending special treats on Saturdays with Keith to share with the other volunteers. Last week, they said goodbye to their GSP Bridger who had been diagnosed with a brain tumor.Keith recently wrote,"Sara and I got Bridger from a breeder before I started volunteering at the Rescue. He was a real character from the very first and up to his last day. Bridger made a huge impact on our lives and his memories will last us a lifetime. Rest in peace and have fun in heaven big dog!"While Bridger wasn't a "rescue" as he was purchased from a breeder prior to Keith being involved with the Rescue, he was dearly loved by two people that are very much apart of California GSP Rescue. Our thoughts and condolences go out to Keith and Sara.


Brie is Adopted!

