Bentley Is Adopted!


Jim was a previous adopter who had adopted Freddie, a senior GSP, in November of 2019 after meeting Freddie at our Splish Splash Fundraising event a month earlier. Unfortunately, in September, of 2020, Jim notified us that Freddie had passed away from complications of cancer.

After joining us at our next Splish Splash event in October, 2020, bringing a box of tennis balls for all of the dogs, in honor of his buddy, Freddie, Jim reached out a few months later, in January of 2021 inquiring about an older dog that may need a forever home.

Bentley came to us at 7 ½ years old when his owner who had him since he was a puppy was going into assisted living, and could no longer care for Bentley. She contacted us, and asked us if we could take Bentley, and find him a loving home. Well that we did!

Jim and his Mom and their dog, GG, a terrier mix, came out to meet Bentley, and it couldn’t have gone better. Bentley found his forever home!

Since being in his new home, Bentley has been out and about meeting all of Freddie’s old pals. He has joined a group of local GSP’s, some adopted from us on park and beach meetups, and recently was named by the local newspaper “Special Counselor of the Week”!

“As a follow up to my last message, recently, Bentley was named "Special Counselor of the Week" as listed in the June 27 issue of "The Gorilla News", which is a local sports camp (post-pandemic) for local kids to sharpen up their baseball skills (as well as other activities). Bentley's (as well as Freddie's) contribution to this camp is that we pick up baseballs (as well as other balls that can be used) when we go on our daily walks and every so often (usually weekly), turn them in to the staff so that the kids can use them in their camp activities (as well as the local Little League). From what I have been told, Bentley (as well as Freddie) and myself have found (and returned) about 300 baseballs for the kids to use (saving the league quite a few $$$). From this, Bentley's picture is in the June 27th issue (lower left hand corner).

Bentley has settled in quite nicely, and is doing just fine. He and GG give each other space, but are doing very well. He is enjoying his daily walks, meeting new friends, exploring the backyard and chasing squirrels. He is often seen standing at the back door and pointing at the neighbor cat. We recently celebrated his 8th birthday, and after a very busy day, Bentley had a rib eye steak and desert! He deserved it. He is such a special dog. We love him very much”.

We are very grateful to Jim for coming back to adopt an older dog. Bentley has surely hit the jackpot!


In Loving Memory Of Rocky


Oskar Blue Is Adopted!