Bandit is Adopted!

bandit_adoptionBandit is adopted and is loving his new life! With a dad that works from home and a mom that takes him running, he is "livin' the life"!His humans, Nina and Greg, are also quite happy with their new addition. They have discovered that an adult GSP (Bandit is about 5), is just perfect as a running companion, walking companion, and as a couch potato. They tell us they get many compliments on how well mannered he is and, of course, how good-looking he is! They will make sure he continues this way by continuing his training and exercise.We are happy that Nina and Greg decided to get their first German Shorthaired Pointer through the Rescue, and that they decided on an adult GSP! We know they will have many more happy years with Bandit!Bandit is adopted, but we have many more wonderful GSP's available. Learn more about them here.  


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