Bailey Bee is adopted

Tom is no stranger to the GSP breed, as he raised two from when they were puppies until they both passed well into their teens from complications of an illness.After Tom retired, he decided that he was ready for another and contacted us.  He knew exactly what kind of a companion he wanted, a female that was smart that he could train to walk by his side, and share the rest of their lives together in the mountains.We introduced Tom to three dogs that we thought might be a good fit for him, but one dog in particular stood out.  A bit of a shy girl with a troubled past who was unsure of other dogs, but extremely affectionate towards people.  Once Tom met Bailey Bea, they made an instant connection, and he knew she was the one, and took her home.Tom has shared a recent update with us and said "Bailey Bea has come out of her shell, and is a wonderful dog.  We spend our days together walking 3-4 miles down at the  lake, and I look forward to completing her off leash training so I can take her swimming.  She loves to greet other people and dogs that come on our path, and is making fast friends.  Bailey Bea has recently discovered that chasing Chipmunks on the deck is quite fun, but has found it quite challenging when they disappear and she can't catch them!  She follows me everywhere, and doesn't let me out of her sight for too long.  She has also become a bit of a bed hog".  Sounds like Bailey Bea has has lived up to the name "Velcro Dog".Congratulations Tom and Bailey Bea, and thank you Tom for choosing to rescue .  We couldn't be happier for you both!


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