Apollo Challenges Matrix to an Adopt-Off!

Matrix_DSC_0683_w64Matrix here..."I was having fun with a tennis ball in the field this last week and some young crazy GSP ran up and told me he'd get adopted before me.  He said he was young and cute and people just liked that better.  He said his name is Apollo.Well I'm not a confrontational dog... I like to keep things cool in the field and like all the dogs mellow.  I don't go out there to challenge any of the dogs.  I like to hang near the people, chase a ball when I can, play with the hose and just kind of keep things chill.  I didn't appreciate this challenge from the young dog; however, I wasn't going to start anything in the field.  Being the mature guy I am, I decided to take it to the people...YOU!You see, I'm a catch!!! I'm mellow, I'm friendly with my foster dog siblings and my foster family and I'm totally chill with the large dogs that are out in the field...AND LOOK AT ME....I'm gorgeous!!  Better looking than that young guy.I love going for a little walk/bunny hunt each day and enjoy a couple of meals per day (I like them a little too much my foster mom thinks). I don't require a marathon like this little punky Apollo needs who brought on this "quick adoption challenge".  I am beating him to the punch by getting myself out here on our website in hopes you can share my challenge and see if we can get me adopted first.  I intend to win this challenge slow and steady with your help!  Please share me and lets show this young dog what an adult dog is capable of! "Learn more about me here!


Meet Scout!


Jasper is Adopted!