
Meet Skye, a 2-year-old female German Shorthaired Pointer with a unique story. She was sadly relinquished to California GSP Rescue after her owner passed away. Skye was a source of comfort for her owner in his final days, a testament to her loving nature. Thankfully, a kind neighbor took Skye and Sequoia in until they could find new homes. 

At first, Skye might seem reserved, but she quickly warms up to anyone offering her pets. She's a very active dog, and we were informed that she wasn't getting as much exercise as needed. However, she's adapted well and now enjoys going for walks and playing in the yard with other dogs. She could be a great fit for an active multi-dog home. 

The Basics:

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years 

Dogs: Good with well-socialized dogs

Cats: interested

Kids: unknown at this time

What the Volunteers are saying:

- played amazingly well with Brie <LINK>

- playful and happy

- loves to be around people, huge love bug 

- Wants to run and already ready to go

- Loves attention & affection

- Loves being around people and other dogs

The Good Stuff:

Active, quick to learn, and affectionate

The Challenges:

Will need training

Skye is a typical young GSP who will need plenty of exercise and love. We highly recommend 30-45 minutes of cardio type (running) at least once a day.  

If you are active and have space in your home and heart to provide Skye with what she lost, submit an adoption application. She wants no more than to be a part of a family. 


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