

Mona is a beautiful six-year-old female German Shorthaired Pointer. Mona is petite with a liver, white roan coat, and a docked "nub." She was surrendered to us by her previous owner, that was moving and could not take her. 

Mona is an excellent GSP who gets along with well-socialized dogs, likes children, and loves cuddling with her people. She has played well with most other well-behaved GSP’s. 

She loves to play with balls, comes when called, and is responsive. While she walks well on a leash, she will initially pull until she settles into a walk - sometimes as long as ten minutes. She knows "sit" and "stay" and enjoys playing catch - she has yet to learn to give the ball up when playing fetch. 

While Mona is a little easier to manage in terms of exercise than the younger, more active GSP’s, she will need a home that can provide enough exercise and training, and she will also need a house with a secure yard. 

The Basics

Gender: Female

Age: 6

Dogs: Enjoys well-mannered dogs 

Cats: Unknown

Kids: good with older children over 8 

The good stuff: 

Mona walks well on a leash after her initial excitement subsides and does well with other dogs and people.

The challenges: She will need obedience training and a secure yard 

What our volunteers are saying about Boss Hog: 

* Loves being wrapped in a blanket 

* She is a mini pointer that doesn't pull too hard on the leash.

* Does little happy taps with her front paws when she is excited. She looks like she is doing a little dance.

*Gives soft kisses after initial meeting and sniffing.

Mona is an excellent age for someone that doesn't have the time for a younger, more active GSP; however, she will need to exercise. You will be amazed at what a special dog she is if you can provide Mona daily exercise and training. Please apply here if you have time to exercise, train, and love Mona


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