

Meet Corazon, an exquisite ten-year-old German Shorthaired Pointer with a remarkable zest for life. Despite being discovered as a stray in a secluded canyon, Corazon's exuberant spirit never waned. Although the animal shelter contacted her previous owner, they never came to claim her, which left the animal shelter with no choice but to find a dog rescue to assist. Despite her age, Corazon's boundless energy and playful demeanor will undoubtedly melt your heart.

After she was rescued by California GSP Rescue, the volunteers noticed a visible growth on one of Corazon's elongated nipples. The growth was large enough to be easily seen and raised concerns about her health. Dr. Kang examined her and recommended the growth be removed and biopsied. Fortunately, the biopsy showed that the growth was benign, and Corazon was given a clean bill of health. Despite her past experiences, Corazon remained resilient and continued to radiate joy and affection towards everyone she met.

Despite being an older dog, Corazon has an abundance of energy and loves to be active. It's clear that she outgrew the enclosure her previous owner kept her in and likely escaped to hunt in the nearby canyon. Corazon enjoys running and hunting in the training fields, and it's crucial that she has access to a secure space and receives the necessary exercise and mental stimulation she requires. With her current foster parents, she gets daily walks at the off-leash dog beach. While her range is typical for a Shorthair (wide) and needs to be monitored closely, her recall has become excellent and she checks back frequently. She loves playing in the water (not quite swimming yet), plays well with other dogs and never encourages trouble. She loves to chase balls.

At home with her people, she is calm and happy. Leashed walks in the neighborhood are easy and problem-free. She might do well in a household with another dog to keep her company when her people are away. As any GSP owner knows, without adequate exercise and stimulation, GSPs may become bored and restless, leading to unwanted behavior. Keeping them engaged and entertained is crucial to their well-being.

The Basics:

Gender: Female
Age: 10 years old
Dogs: Can be bossy and sometimes likes her space.
Cats: sharp
Other dogs: Very good
Kids: No issues observed when meeting children in public. Has not been tested with small children in a household setting.

The good stuff: Very affectionate. Loves attention.

The challenges: An opportunist when she gets bored!

What our volunteers are saying about Corazon:

* Very spry for an older lady
* Loves hugs.
* Hunted the field. Loved running around.
* Loves to run

Corazon is an endearing adult GSP who deserves a home where she can thrive. She has spent too long entertaining herself, and now she needs a family that can provide her with regular exercise and mental stimulation. While she may not require as much activity as a younger GSP, she still needs daily exercise and would relish the opportunity to run and hunt in a secure, enclosed space.

If you're ready to give Corazon the loving forever home she deserves, please submit an adoption application today. Let's give this wonderful dog a second chance she deserves!


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