Charlie Daniels

Charlie Daniels

Charlie Daniels is a 5-year-old male German Shorthaired Pointer. He is smaller in size, with a white coat, liver spots, and liver head. Charlie Daniels gets very excited when it's time to go for a walk or car ride and will anxiously pace until he is out of the door. When going for a walk, Charlie Daniels tends to pull but is responsive to corrections and will settle down. Walking Charlie Daniels was initially a challenge, but now are much more manageable. 

Before coming to the Rescue, Charlie Daniels had two homes. His second home knew he wasn't getting the exercise and attention he needed in his first home, being kept in a kennel all day. Charlie Daniels lived a short time with his second family before they realized they couldn't give him the exercise he needed. In addition, he became protective in his new home and needed someone to work with him to manage that behavior. Like all GSP’s, Charlie Daniels will need plenty of daily exercise, but it'll be worth the effort for the suitable adopter. 

The Basics

Gender: Male

Age: 5

Dogs: Good with well-socialized dogs

Cats: Goes Crazy - NO CATS

Kids: No Children 

The good stuff: Very responsive and eager to learn. Treat motivated

The challenges: Can be protective

What our volunteers are saying about Charlie Daniels

Hyper, loves getting attention

Rolled over in field for pets, likes stomach and ears scratched

Eager to please, very food and treat motivated

A little wary of new people

Lots of energy when he first gets out for a walk

Know how to sit and wait for his food

If you feel you are a good fit and can manage Charlie Daniels, please apply here


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