Zulu is Safe!

Zulu Jeanne GSP rescueA few weeks ago, California GSP Rescue received word that there was possibly GSP in need of rescue at a local shelter. The image provided wasn't of a good quality and it was difficult to tell whether or not the dog was a purebred GSP or another breed all together. Volunteer Jeanne went by the shelter to get a look and was surprised when she saw this beautiful black and white German Shorthaired Pointer needing a home. Plans were immediately made to get this girl to safety as she had been made available to the public but no one had shown any interest in adopting her. Possibly no one showed interested in her because she had been labeled a fence jumper and her eyes were watering excessively (later diagnosed as entropion). While these two concerns would create challenges in placing her, California GSP Rescue was confident that we could deal with both. A big thanks to Volunteer Jeanne for taking the time to visit the shelter and helping transport Zulu to safety!


Meet Zulu!


Apollo and Jordie are Safe!