Zorro is adopted!

Last month Dave had an appointment to meet another dog and ended up meeting Zorro. He and Zorro hit it off going on a nice walk and playing in the field. A few weeks ago Dave brought out Meghan to also meet Zorro since getting a dog is a family decision. Dave and Meghan agreed that Zorro was the one and adopted him! We've since learned that Zorro is Otto. Dave sent the following update,"Otto has been perfect so far. He only got up once from his bed last night and as soon as I got up and said,"no you sleep out here." he immediately turned around and got back on his bed.  I went home over lunch and he was curled up on the couch. He's eating fine, he's sleeping fine, and he's great on his leash... We're very happy with Otto." A big Thanks and Congratulations to Dave and Meghan for adopting an adult! We're looking forward to more updates on Otto!


Race is a young 7-year old


The REAL Dusty