Zero to 60 - update on adopted dog Cassie

Cassie_IMG_4265w64Hearing from former adopters with updates on their adopted dogs is always a treat and hearing about adopted GSP Cassie is no different. Adopted over four years ago, Cassie still gets plenty of exercise and attention - a winning combination for any GSPs. Deana, her adopter, sent us the following update:“We adopted Cassie (aka Niña) in January of 2009. She stole all our hearts as soon as she curled up in the truck and we headed home. She has been an absolutely wonderful dog. One of her many nicknames is "Zero to 60." Even when she's sleeping, she's up and spinning in seconds when you call her name. She loves to hunt everything possible in our backyard. Cassie is on squirrel watch at the back door waiting for the "stalk and chase" when the squirrels show up at the bird feeder.She loves to chase the water from the hose, go for car rides, chase the tennis ball with the neighbor's dog at the park, and go on our daily 3 mile walks. On the walks, she's hunting really anything that moves. She even stalked the large cement lion statue at a house not too long ago. She's seen cats there before, so anything goes.Before Cassie was adopted and she was in her foster home with GSP Rescue, they told us she would pull all the dog's bedding out of their crates. Nothing has changed. She still has to have fleece blankets to carry around and gets very squiggly when she has one in her mouth. She'll even take her own bedding off her bed and carry it around the house when she gets excited.”Thanks, Deana for sharing. We're looking forward to many more updates on Cassie!


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