
Zephyr_DSC_4268w64Zephyr is a stunning 5 year old liver roan male GSP. Zephyr's owner needed to relocate out of the country and when it came time to move he contacted California GSP Rescue for assistance as he wasn't able to take Zephyr.Zephyr is a great age for someone that wants an active dog but doesn't have the time to exercise a younger more active GSP. At five years old, Zephyr has many more active years to accompany someone on hikes or long walks. While he knows 'come', 'sit', and 'down', Zephyr needs a home that will continue his training and provide him with the exercise he needs. He has done well around children, although he may be too active for younger children, and will need continued training on a leash.If you are interested in learning more about Zephyr, and think he may be a good fit for you, please complete an adoption application.



