Wrigley is Adopted!

Wrigley_Zoe_Larry_Colin_Camille_Claire_DSC_0288w64Wrigley has found his match! His new family truly understands his German Shorthaired-ness and loves the quirky personality and energy that comes with a young GSP. His new dad, Larry,  says it best in his recent note to the Rescue, "Everything is terrific. Wrigley has been a perfect addition to our family the kids absolutely adore him and he keeps us busy. He is getting two walks a day and lots of fetch time... he is fitting right in. We have some training to do with him, which we knew, but he is an absolute love bug. We love his personality. Of course he thinks he is a 10 pound dog and tries to climb in your lap whenever he can.

We introduced him to our vet and he received a clean bill of health. We look forward to spreading the word about the hard work and determination that the Southern California GSP Rescue demonstrated. All of you volunteers are to be commended and I am sure stories like this make it all worth while. We really want to thank Greg as well. He was such a great help and resource during our visit that we truly felt comfortable and excited about the whole process. Keep up the good work!"
Pictured here is Wrigley on adoption day, with his new children Colin, Camile and Claire.

Meet Panzer!


In Memory of Ranger "the best dog ever"