Wall Of Shame - Update On Sasha & Kasey

Sasha Radtke IMG-20130303-00435w580While we love getting updates, we sometimes get the not so good updates from adopters. Such is the case when we received the photo to the left from Victoria.She was nice enough to elaborate on her 'dog of shame', Sasha, as well as Kasey. Victoria wrote the following:"Sasha is my dog of "shame," eating flowers, tearing apart toys to get the squeaky out, eating Mom's pink thread. Kasey doesn't have much chance to get in trouble since she is always chasing a tennis ball. The three of us gained a few pounds over the winter from too many goodies and not enough exercise but we are back to lots and lots of fetch. Because of my mobility issues, they go running twice a week with a nice young man. They are very well behaved when left alone several hours and love to travel, knocking you over to jump in the truck and then sleeping the duration........ I am so thankful to the rescue for keeping these two together until they found their forever home with me."A big thanks to Victoria for adopting not one but two GSPs!


Brisquit Is Adopted!

