Walker is Adopted!

Walker_Jason_Laura_Ann_kids_DSC_0360w64Walker, now Dan, is thoroughly enjoying his new home and family and GSP sister Ann.  He is a typical young GSP, and his new mom Laura reports, " He is naughty, he steals EVERYTHING but drops the items fast when corrected. He has mastered breaking through baby gates and enjoys his nylabone and sometimes Ann's too. He has almost figured out how to open the toilet lid...he loves water."They also tell us Dan responds well, is able to sit on command, knows "down" and will roll over for a good treat. They are using a trainer to help them reinforce Dan's good habits and are enjoying watching the two dogs "wrestle and roughhouse all day".Dan's new and forever family is giving him everything a young GSP needs to succeed: exercise, training, consistency and love! 


Meet Harlem!

