Vinnie's Ear

Vinnie_DSC_8327w64Vinnie came from a not so good situation  and was a little shy when he first arrived. Since then, having that GSP resilience, has since opened up and is a regular in the field on Saturday mornings playing and getting pets before training.Vinnie does have one unique physical characteristic that makes him easy to spot in the field, his left ear. A battle scar from his previous living situation. It appears he was attacked by another dog(s) and his ear was damaged. Without any medical attention the scar tissue formed and the ear healed but with the ear flapped back on Vinnie's head rather than forward.He has since been looked at by our Vet whose say hasn't been an issue in the past and shouldn't be one in the future. We think that you'll agree it gives Vinnie character and makes him one of the most unique dogs at the rescue!For more information on Vinnie, click here, or submit an application




Bounder is safe!