Valentine is Adopted!

valentine_adoptionWhat better news to share on Valentine's Day than Valentine is adopted!At 14 years young, she has found a permanent spot in her foster family. They took her as a foster over a year ago intending to offer hospice care to a sweet old dog with failing health. Well, Valentine's health improved with medication and her foster family decided they couldn't let her go!Valentine's new mom explains, "After a year of fostering Valentine, we decided to become a failed foster for the first time. We thought we would be providing some comfort in Valentine's final months, but after more than a year,  our little-engine-that-could is doing great on her medication, loving her walks and camping trips, and occasionally digging holes in the back yard when she's bored. We are the lucky ones, because Valentine makes us smile every day. She wags that little tail furiously when she sees us, will only eat a biscuit if you throw or hide it, steals your snacks if you're not careful,  and doesn't walk anywhere - just hops and prances.We are so happy to have this senior girl as part of our family!"We are truly grateful for adopters who look beyond the age of a dog, and see how truly special they are. 


Max is Safe!


Alex Adopted and Loved... A Memorial