Update - Star is a Traveling Dog!

Star_Ron_photoW64Star found a special home when she was adopted. Now that Ron and Kathy are both retired, Star travels with them to all of her "homes". The following is a recent update from Ron and Kathy:"Yes, she is a traveling dog! She loves to go, anytime of the day or night. Once she's sure she's going and is in her car...she goes to sleep. She has definitely found her voice (lots of woo-woo's) and loves everyone's dog...even if they growl at her! She has some good four-legged friends in Vegas that come to visit her on a regular basis to run (even though it's a very short time for her) in her back yard.She now has homes in Rancho Bernardo, Las Vegas, Poway and Flagstaff. She loves to purvey all of her properties. We're all lucky to have such great friends that welcome our special girl into their hearts and homes!"A big thanks to Ron and Kathy for opening their hearts as well as their "homes" and adopting a Senior GSP.


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