Update on Watson aka Jacxson

Watson_Jaxson_DSC_0085w64Recently we received the following update on Watson (aka Jacxson) that was adopted last year.James and I have been meaning to send you an update since we adopted Watson (formerly Jacxson) in July of 2012. He has become the most beloved member of our new family and has developed into an unrelenting ball and trainer chaser. And if it squeaks, even better. He'll chase it down as fast as possible and strut bringing it back to us to show all who can see his great find.Last weekend, we took Watson to his favorite place on earth, Coronado Dog Beach, and this time we had our new camera with us to catch him in action. He would have stayed all day to romp had we let him. He's the only dog there who greets every other dog with a waggy tail and pure joy. He's the social butterfly of Coronado Dog Beach. Then he gets after it like no other and chases his trainer, taking waves in stride (or stroke) as he bounds and swims to get it while other dogs stop and avoid the waves. It is so fun to see other owners stop and watch Watson in awe as he leaps and bounds to retrieve his trainer tirelessly and gleefully.Here are a few of our favorite photos from the day. We hope that adoptions are keeping you busy and that many more GSPs can find homes of happiness. Watson is one happy soul, and we are so grateful to have found him through your fantastic organization.Regards,James, Lisa and WatsonThank you James and Lisa for the wonderful update on Watson. It's always nice hearing from adopters!


Sandy Sings!


Buttercup is adopted!