Update on Tobie

Chris adopted Tobie a few weeks ago and recently sent the following update."Tobie has been with me for a week now and has done really well so far. The weekend he spent out at the ranch playing in the lake, and going for runs with me . He sleeps in my room, the first night he slept on a stack of towels, after the first night he has been on my bed, so much nicer than the concrete floors he is used to.No bathroom accidents in the house yet, but I will get a bell and start using that method.  He fetches sticks or what ever else I throw and brings them right back with a big grin on his face. This Monday we went to dog beach in Huntington beach, he had a great time running in the sand and waves. Tobie pretty much ignores other dogs, no aggressiveness at all so far. He has seen a few cats and ignores them too..."


Maggie goes for a walk


Kenny's Journey: Kenny is now Harley