Update on Scarlett!

You may remember Scarlett. The GSP mix with severe allergies. She came to us with a skin infection, ear infections, and allergies to foods, environmental - you name it! Thanks to many supporters of the CA GSP Rescue, we were able to provide the specialty veterinary care that Scarlett needed. Fast forward a few months, and Scarlett was adopted by Brooke and Jordan and their wonderful adopted dog Scout! Brooke and Jordan understood the long road to overcoming a dogs' allergies as Scout also suffered allergies. They spent a lot of time and effort figuring out just what Scout was allergic to and finding the right food for him. Luckily for Scarlett, they were willing to do it again. Once the two dogs met, there wasn't any question where Scarlett should be, and they took her home.Scarlett has been thriving in her new home, and her new Mom and Dad emailed us a few months ago to let us know that the allergy de-sensitizing shots seemed to be working! She was becoming less and less itchy - and from the photo they sent us, more and more pampered too! Brooke and Jordan expressed their thanks to everyone who helped the CA GSP Rescue pay for the medications and specialists needed to diagnose Scarlett and start her on the road to allergy management.CA GSP Rescue would also like to thank all of the people who donated towards Scarlett's care, and towards the care of the many dogs we are able to help each year! We don't receive any government funding, so individuals sending their hard-earned money is what keeps us going, year after year. It's what allows us to say "yes" to a dog in need, even if it is clear they will need extraordinary care. This year, if you are stuck for a New Year's Resolution, why not be a part of our Rescue Hero program. Your monthly pledge helps us say "yes" to dogs in need - and helps them find wonderful, forever homes like Scarlet has!


What's Your New Year's Resolution?


Donate Your Vehicle In January And Help GSP's In Need!