Update on Buster - 1st week

Buster went for a checkup earlier this week. Dr Kang took a look at his injuries and removed some of the staples that Buster first received from the shelter vet after he had been hit by a car. After examining Buster, Dr Kang was optimistic saying that he could see new tissue growth. He recommended to continue changing the bandages on Buster's wounds everyday and he still has several weeks of recovery. Dr Kang wants to see him in a weekBuster has been wearing a cone since he was rescued to keep him from licking his injuries. He got a little reprieve from wearing the cone while his bandages were changed and seemed to enjoy his new freedom and not bumping into objects. His foster family, while supervised, is going to allow him more cone-free time around the house providing he doesn't work at the bandages.Pictured is Buster with Dr Kang and Amanda.


Anna did great in training!


Hunter has an amazing face