Ulia is Adopted!

Ulia aka Kona Hedi Chester Chad Nicole Dirk Hanne Evan Ian Sean Megan Cameron DSC_0600w64Ulia is now Kona. Nicola and Chad came out with their five children, their dog Hedi and her parents along with their dog Chester to meet Ulia for a second time and to take her home.Nicola adopted Hedi from us 6 years ago so knew the process and waiting with us to find the right dog for her circumstances. She then had to wait as Ulia caught a cough which delayed her being spayed. When fully recovered from her cough Ulia was spayed and Nicola and Chad and family excitedly came out to bring Ulia home with them.They are all enjoying Ulia and their dog Hedi is guiding Ulia in how to behave in their pack. They are a wonderful home for each of the GSP's they've adopted from us over the years and we're very thankful for their rescuing these girls.Hedi has also shown Ulia how to be a trouble maker by taking 5 pounds of cold cuts off of the counter to devour.  They've become great partners in crime in the home.Pictured here are Kona aka Ulia, Hedi, & Chester, all three adopted dogs, with their adopting family, three generations, Evan, Ian, Sean, Megan, Cameron, Chad, Nicole, Hanne, & Dirk.


Meet Cappy!


Meet Jasper!