Truman's Red Chair

Truman came to GSP Rescue as a young dog. A beautiful dog with a unique personality, he was adopted quickly. However, it soon became clear that he had extreme separation anxiety. He didn’t adapt well to change and was destructive when left alone. Unfortunately, his owner was unable to deal with the issue. Truman was returned to the Rescue.Of course, we believe the right home exists for every dog, and Truman would not be the exception. We cared for Truman, waiting for an adopter who had just the right home for him. When Ashley applied to adopt, it seemed Truman’s match was found.  We gave him tried and true advice on crate training and dealing with a dog with separation anxiety and hoped Truman had found his forever home.Although Ashley was diligent about training, Truman did not prove to be a “text book” case.  At times, Ashley was tired, frustrated – not knowing what to try next. Mostly, though, he was determined to keep Truman. As he told us, “The whole 'dog being man’s best friend' never really resonated with me until I got him. But Truman really has become my best friend." Ashley wasn’t going to let his best friend down. Through a combination of doggy daycare, training, and a very sturdy crate, he tells us they are making progress.Today, as he lounges in what is now known as “Truman’s Red Chair,” watching his new best friend work each day, Truman knows he has found his forever home.


Abbie and Chet get adopted!


Flynn (A127986) is safe!